As someone who has envisioned having to write something like this for quite some time, I never thought it would be this hard.
Man, was I wrong!
During your life, there are points in which you feel as if you have reached the top of whatever mountain it is that you are climbing. For some, that’s graduating from college. For others, that’s getting that dream job they’ve always wanted. For us, that’s today.
Today, I’m so incredibly excited to announce that Front Office Sports is set to begin a new chapter of our journey as part of Stein’s, an investment management and holding company led by Jason Stein and Alyson Warshaw.
While I will get to what that means in a second, I’m going to start out by saying that the excitement is real!
Whether it’s on social media, in the newsletter, or in person, the energy you have provided us by cheering us on when we succeeded and holding us accountable when we deserved to be kept in check, has helped us get to this point. We are eternally grateful!
Without you taking a chance on reading a new publication, sharing it with your friends, or even putting up with our numerous platform and domain changes (if you are new here, we used to have a white on black Wix site…yeah I’m not sure what we were thinking), I doubt we would be celebrating with you today.
Amazing things tend to happen when you believe deeply in what it is that you are doing and you don’t let anything, or anyone get in the way. I can only hope that one day all of you get to experience the rush of emotions that we have felt the last 24 hours or so (outside of the whole not sleeping part).
Building anything in your life is hard, but I would argue that building a media company from scratch (like literally 0) might be the hardest thing you could do. If you want to keep your sanity, I don’t recommend it. If you happen to be like us and like a unique challenge, it’s probably one of the most rewarding things you can do.
As you can tell, as part of this new chapter, the FOS you have come to know and love will still be here, everything will just continue to get better.
Whether it’s our content, peer-to-peer learning opportunities, or any one of the exciting things we have planned for you and the industry coming in 2019 and beyond, the voice and the people behind the brand aren’t going anywhere.
While we will add a few more friends and actually get an office for the first time ever (If you are in NYC, be sure to come by once we are settled), we believe that what we have been able to build is special because of the many different people who have played a role in our evolution.
Being able to work alongside people like Jason, Alyson, Seth and the rest of the team we are assembling is a dream come true.
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You don’t get many chances in life to not only get to work closely with people you admire and respect, but to do so on a project that means so much to you. Luckily, we get to do both.
There are thousands of things we could say, but none of them would be more important than thank you! Thank you to our partners for believing in us, thank you to our writers for sharing their knowledge and skill with us, and thank you to our readers, fans, and friends for challenging us and for pushing us to be better every day.
While this may be the top of today’s mountain, it’s far from the end of the journey.
Whether you have been a follower for four years, four days, or four hours, the best is yet to come and I hope you are as excited as I am!