By: Will Baggett @W_Baggs, Tai M. Brown @TaiMBrown

Young professionals of all vocations share in the collective stereotypes surrounding their cohort. From entitlement to the need for instant gratification, they face intense scrutiny from the day they walk through the door. Yet, young professionals have been offered few opportunities to openly share insight about who they are, the obstacles they face, and the type of leadership they seek. That is…until now.
In The Blueprint for a Successful Career, Will Baggett, Entry-Level Development Writer for Front Office Sports, gives a voice to young professionals through creative illustrations, personal anecdotes, and concrete strategies for establishing a solid career foundation. What truly distinguishes The Blueprint from other publications, however, is its input from “across the aisle.” Through his organizational leadership philosophy, Tai M. Brown, Director of Education for the American Football Coaches Association, contributes to a uniquely synergistic approach as he and Baggett represent varying, yet interdependent cohorts.
This collaboration yields the three phases of successful career construction as well as a three-part view of leadership development. While the essence of each approach speaks to the accountability of the agent- whether young professional or tenured leader- they interlock seamlessly, helping to create and maintain an enterprising, professional relationship and work environment.
After reading The Blueprint, young professionals should expect to come away with cutting-edge knowledge of the following:
• Effective self-management tactics to avoid stagnation
• Developing relationships beyond the handwritten note
• Earning the “jersey” from respected professionals
Step-by-step organizational leadership takeaways include, but are not limited to:
• Creating buy-in for your employees beyond their paychecks
• Affirming your staff through employee recognition
• Endowing your “jersey” to those under your leadership
In short, Baggett and Brown have found a way to effectively bridge the gap between young professionals and organizational leaders alike.
Foreword by Bill Curry — Super Bowl champion & two-time SEC Coach of the Year
Afterword by Grant Teaff — College Football Hall of Famer & Executive Director Emeritus of the American Football Coaches Association
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