“The Match,” the celebrity golf event for charity that initially launched as a pay-per-view showdown in 2018, will feature Phil Mickelson and Charles Barkley against Steph Curry and Peyton Manning in its third rendition.
Turner-owned network TNT will exclusively televise the event, to be held at 3 p.m. ET on Nov. 27 at Stone Canyon Golf Club in Oro Valley, Ariz. Bleacher Report will provide its own exclusive content on the B/R app.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities will be among the recipients of donations from the event. Curry previously donated six years’ worth of funding for Howard University to start a Division I golf program; the school had competed in golf in Division II before its team was disbanded decades ago.
“The Match II” took place in May and raised $20 million for COVID-19 relief efforts. The event featured Mickelson, Manning, Tiger Woods and Tom Brady.