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Established in 2019, The Best Employers in Sports Award was the first award to recognize organizations across sports that are doing the best for their employees.
Established in 2019, the Best Employers in Sports Award, recognizes organizations across the sports industry that are doing the best for their employees.
Whether it’s great leadership, commitment to diversity and inclusion, employee wellbeing, or philanthropic/social endeavors, the Best Employers in Sports Award looks to recognize organizations who do right by their employees.
This year’s list of winning companies represents the top 15% of all companies that participated in the survey.
The submission deadline for this award has been extended to 11/13.
Working with our primary research partner, Canvs, we developed a survey with a specific set of open-ended questions designed to uncover how employees truly feel about their employer and rate their likelihood to recommend to a friend or family member.
The ranking system consists of two categories of questions: closed-ended and open-ended. Closed-ended responses consist of single answer questions and an analysis of the percentage of employees within each company that engaged in the survey.
Canvs AI also analyzes the emotions behind employee’s open-ended responses and determines if they mention specific keywords. Responses are also searched for multiple specific keywords and phrases (such as leadership, equity, or opportunities for advancement) and analyzes the sentiment surrounding them.
Once the survey is complete, all responses are analyzed, datasets are normalized, and bespoke weighting is applied to each category to come up with a single score for each company. Companies with the highest scores indicate the Best Employers in Sports.
For questions about the award or your submission, please contact